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Braude's Pharmacy has a social responsibility to uplift the community & has hosted & sponsered numerous events to uplift the Cape Flats community. We hosted a Athlone Revival Festival in 2017 and the whole road was closed & music events for up and coming local artists has been displayed, hair competitions & stalls & kids entertainment was organised. It was a great success & great fun was had by all. Every year towards December we also have live music events outside our pharmacy on the pavements to uplift the spirit of Athlone.


The owner David Morkel Braude's also sponsors Humanity for Life which is non-profit organisation who host musical productions to raise money for pensioners & the less fortunate. The money is used to buy food for the less fortunate & twice a month a pot of food is made & handed out. Humanity for Life holds about 3 events each year. The last one was at the BAXTER. Pensioners lunch is held at the end of the year. David works closely with Mr. Armeen Galant to uplift local artists & give them a chance to show their talent in all his productions.


Braude's turns 70! A big celebration was held for Braude's Pharmacy in 2018. Braude's turned 70 years old and a production specifically made for Braude's celebration was put together. The story was about respect for your elders. It took Braude's customers back to the day when the pharmacy opened its door in 1948. Needless to say this too was a great success & 100 selected loyal Braude's customers was invited to the concert. 


Every month we focus on an illness in the pharmacy. We offer free blood pressure during heart month, or free glucose checks during Diabetic month. Please keep an eye out on our facebook page for more info & upcoming events.


Previously we also got involved in Radio 786 Health Fairs.































Braude's Pharmacy also has an environmental responsibility to fulfill. Twice a month all our sharps, hazardous substances & expired stock is collected by a reputable medical solid waste company.  Patients are encouraged to bring their expired stock back so we can dispose of it correctly instead of ending up in landfills or the sea.  We also started an recycling project where patients can bring back their empty medicine bottles & tablet vials/boxes. We are also phasing out plastic bags & want to replace it with brown bags. We recycle our paper everyday & our boxes are taken to recycle company or used again in the pharmacy. 















© 2019 Braude's Pharmacy

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